Monday, July 6, 2009

Tinker On the Scratching Post

Tinker is a climber AND as scratcher. I have to get on her all the time for scratching things that are off limits, like my bed and the furniture. She's a sweetheart though. She has funny coloring like a calico tabby. Cute face. Love her to pieces.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Unfortunately, I had to let Licorice go. He was a little manx with no tail and his spinal cord did not reach his 'rear' end completely. He was prone to 'accidents' which left my carpet stained and all the furniture covered with towels to catch his leaks. It broke my heart but as he got bigger, his traveling took him places that 'cat pee' was the last thing you wanted to encounter.

He was so cuddly and loveable that for this decision I had to think of what it was costing me in time and worry, concern for the other cats and the smell. I miss him and wish this didn't have to be but I could not let him stay outside to roam and possibly get hurt which would have been worse.
So it's 'so long amigo' I love you where ever you are.

Friday, October 3, 2008

More picture of my cats

Licorice in his favorite sleeping repose, Tinker just being herself and Puff and Tinker enjoying the scratching post together.
My cats are family and each has her/his own personality which every pet owner can attest to.
The seven o'clock crazies are absolutely hilarious. I don't know what they see but they chase "ghosts" all over the house until they 1) wear out or 2) just give up and go back to sleep.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Licorice in his usual positon of rest. I don't know why he likes to lay on his back but he cracks me up.

He is a typical male. Thinks the world revolves around him. He MAKES Puff put up with him even though she thinks he's a pain in the neck. He just pushes his way through her resistance and curls up with her. She has no alternative than to just cuddle up to him too.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Three Cats

Tinker is a foodaholic. She starts the day hungry and ends it the same way. If you can feel a bone on her, good luck. A real cuddly pussycat though. She has some blonde spots scattered through her grey tabby fur. When she was a kitten I thought she'd end up as a cat that only a mother could love. Was I ever wrong! She's as cute and cuddly as any cat I'ver ever owned.

Licorice in one of his favorite positions. Being a Manx, he always selects the wierdest ways to sleep or relax. He lays on his back with his legs sprattled out like a rug turned upside down or on his back just like a bear skin rug. He is so black there isn't a white hair anywhere. He and Tinker are brother and sister. I went for Licorice and couldn't leave his sister behind. They go nuts together so it's a good thing.
Puff in one of her favorite positions. She came to me when she was 3 years old approximately. I had rented a house and the owners felt that since that was the only home she'd ever known, she might try to return to it. They asked me if I would take her since I'd just lost one of my favorite cats to old age. I really didn't want another cat as I wanted to have some time to just do everything on my schedule and not on a cat's. Being the pushover I am, I took her and she is like glue to me now. If you come into 'her' house you better be prepared to justify why. My friends say she is very protective of me. She sleeps with me whenever I sit down so reading becomes problematic.